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First home buyers – 09 Reasons why you need to stop looking for your dream house 

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Great news for first home buyers: the market is in your favor! Yes, interest rates might still be high, but house prices in New Zealand are about 16% lower than when they peaked in 2021. Sellers are motivated, and that means it’s a great time to get a good deal on your first home. 

But let’s be honest, buying your first home often comes with dreams of the “perfect” house. You know, the one with the sun-soaked living room, beautiful kitchen, and a garden straight out of a magazine. While it’s nice to dream, focusing on finding the perfect house might not be the smartest approach. Instead, it’s about getting into the market and finding a home that fits your needs today. In this article, we’ll take you through 09 reasons why you should stop chasing the dream and focus on buying your first home now. 

1. Your Dream Home Might Not Be What You Want in 5 Years 

What seems perfect today might not fit your life in the future. Maybe you picture yourself living on a quiet lifestyle block, but down the road, you might find you prefer being closer to work or better schools. Rather than putting all your energy into finding a forever home, think of your first home as a steppingstone. It’s not where you’ll live forever, but it’ll help you start building equity and improve your financial position. From there, you’ll have more options—whether it’s buying an investment property, upgrading to something bigger, or something else entirely. 

2. The New Zealand Property Market Moves Fast 

The housing market in cities like Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch can move quickly. Historically, house prices have risen faster than wages, and while things are more affordable now, that might not last. Waiting too long for the “perfect” house could mean prices rise or competition increases, making it harder to get into the market. Instead of holding out, buy a home that fits your current needs and budget. You’ll start building equity and give yourself a stronger financial foundation for future moves. 

 3. Don’t Stretch Yourself Financially 

It’s easy to get caught up in wanting a bigger, better house, but overextending yourself can have serious consequences. If you max out your budget on your dream home, you could end up facing financial stress, limiting your ability to save, or becoming vulnerable to interest rate changes. Instead, focus on a home that you can comfortably afford. This way, you’ll have room in your budget for future renovations, unexpected expenses, or other financial goals. Plus, buying within your means will give you peace of mind and greater financial security. 

4. Location Is More Important Than Perfection 

In real estate, location often matters more than the house itself. A home that’s in a good area, even if it’s not perfect, will likely be a better investment than a perfect house in a less desirable neighborhood. Think carefully about where you want to live—whether it’s proximity to work, family, or good schools. Homes in desirable locations tend to hold their value and appreciate more quickly, so even if it’s not your dream home, you’ll still be in a location that works for you now and will benefit you later. 

5. Consider the Potential for Renovations 

If you’re willing to compromise on perfection, you’ll open yourself up to more possibilities. Older homes with “good bones” can often be improved over time. Maybe the kitchen isn’t brand new, or the bathroom could use an upgrade, but these are things you can fix down the road. 

Buying a structurally sound home that needs cosmetic updates gives you the chance to make improvements at your own pace. Over time, you can create a home that feels closer to your dream, without the upfront cost of buying something already perfect. 

Couple dreaming of their forever home

6. Your First Home Isn’t Your Forever Home 

Most first-time buyers don’t stay in their first home forever. In fact, many people move within a few years, which means your first home doesn’t need to be a long-term commitment. 

Think of it as your entry point into homeownership. You’re building equity, gaining stability, and setting yourself up for future opportunities. By starting now, you’ll be in a stronger position to buy your dream home in the future. 

7. Building Equity Leads to Financial Stability 

The longer you wait for the dream house, the more you miss out on the financial benefits of owning property. By buying now, you can start building equity—the difference between what your home is worth and what you owe on it. In a rising market, even a modest home can appreciate in value. The sooner you buy, the sooner you’ll benefit from that appreciation, helping you reach your future goals, whether that’s upgrading to a bigger home or securing financial stability. 

8. Leverage the Power of Equity 

Building equity doesn’t just help with future sales—it can also help you make your next move. As you pay off your mortgage and your home’s value increases, your equity grows. You can use that equity to buy another property, make renovations, or even put a deposit on your dream home. Owning a home gives you financial leverage that renting simply doesn’t. With equity on your side, you’ll have more options and flexibility to achieve your financial goals. 

9. Practicality Wins 

At the end of the day, most first-time buyers don’t need the grand dream house they’ve imagined. What you really need is a home that fits your current lifestyle and your budget. 

Being practical will help take some of the pressure off the home-buying process. You’ll enjoy the excitement of becoming a homeowner without worrying about perfection. And once you’re in the market, you can work towards your dream home in the future. 

 Buying your first home is a huge milestone, but it doesn’t have to be perfect. Instead of waiting for the ideal property, focus on what’s practical, affordable, and attainable right now. By getting into the market sooner, you’ll start building equity, growing your financial stability, and setting yourself up for future success. 

Need help with pre-approval or navigating the home-buying process? Get in touch with us—we’ll help you put your best foot forward and make your first home purchase a reality. 

 Buying your first home is a huge milestone, but it’s important not to let the dream of a perfect house get in the way of making smart financial decisions. Instead of holding out for the ideal property, focus on what’s attainable, practical, and within your budget. 

By getting your foot in the door, you set yourself up for future success. The sooner you buy a house, the sooner you can start building equity, benefiting from market appreciation, and working towards that dream home. 

If you’re needing some help with gaining pre-approval for your first home purchase, get in touch with us and we’ll help you put your best foot forward with the bank.

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