Everything you need to know about home loan structures, lending, interest rates and more to put your best foot forward with the banks regarding your lending.

Buying property is a great way to begin to build wealth for you and your family, but depending on your financial situation, equity position, and the banks tightening their debt-to-income ratios, it may be a “no” from the banks when it comes to lending.

There are two main options when it comes to work within New Zealand; to work as an employee, or to work as a contractor. Each path offers a unique set of benefits and challenges that you may not have considered before. If you’re thinking of making a career change, are just entering into the workforce, or are thinking of buying a house and are wondering what sort of implications your work status may have on your lending ability, then keep reading.

The finance and property world can be a daunting one when you’re first starting out – it seems like you’re never able to just dip your toes in – you instead have to dive headfirst and immerse yourself in more lingo and jargon than you thought was humanly possible. Even the words you thought you knew the meaning of are beginning to sound strange when used in a new context, bottom line, it’s all a bit overwhelming!

The Reserve Bank is looking to revamp its rules for retail bank mortgage lending and plans to bring in debt to income ratio (DTI) restrictions mid-way through 2024. But what is debt to income ratio, and how can it affect me as a first home buyer, homeowner or property investor?

Learn how you can cut 20 years off your mortgage without increasing regular repayments and as a result, pay a lot less in interest, saving you hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In this article, you’ll learn how you can achieve the lowest interest rate with your bank and how you can save on your mortgage in the current market, with two simple strategies.  Many kiwis are currently coming off low fixed term interest rates and are about to refix at a

Two weeks ago, the Reserve Bank lowered the OCR by 0.25%, bringing it down from 5.5% to 5.25% – phew! Although this …

Official cash rate, dovish, rate cuts, inflation. Cut to the chase please – what does this mean for me and my family? The Reserve Bank recently reviewed New Zealand’s official cash rate and decided to hold it steady at 5.5% with hints towards small rate cuts being expected as soon as the end of this year meaning we’ll start to see interest rates (thankfully) decreasing.

The current property market is looking quite bleak around the entire country. There is a more supply than demand currently, meaning that it’s a buyers market. This can be great if you’re thinking of purchasing a new house, but there may be some things that could trip you up when it comes to selling your own. In this article, we’ll discuss what the selling process involves, what the buying process involves and a top tip from our Founder and Mortgage Broker, Jeff, that might just save you from a very costly mistake and help you navigate this significant transition smoothly. Let’s get into it!

There are two main options when it comes to work within New Zealand; to work as an employee, or to work as a contractor. Each path offers a unique set of benefits and challenges that you may not have considered before. If you’re thinking of making a career change, are just entering into the workforce, or are thinking of buying a house and are wondering what sort of implications your work status may have on your lending ability, then keep reading.