Everything you need to know about creating budgets, saving plans, making extra money & paying down debt so you can begin to build wealth for you and your family.

There are two main options when it comes to work within New Zealand; to work as an employee, or to work as a contractor. Each path offers a unique set of benefits and challenges that you may not have considered before. If you’re thinking of making a career change, are just entering into the workforce, or are thinking of buying a house and are wondering what sort of implications your work status may have on your lending ability, then keep reading.

The finance and property world can be a daunting one when you’re first starting out – it seems like you’re never able to just dip your toes in – you instead have to dive headfirst and immerse yourself in more lingo and jargon than you thought was humanly possible. Even the words you thought you knew the meaning of are beginning to sound strange when used in a new context, bottom line, it’s all a bit overwhelming!

Did you know that 90% of our clients who come to us, come to us with a mortgage structure that is completely wrong for them? They're always paying too much interest and the structure of their mortgage is not based on their financial goals, or any particular strategy. It’s not their fault either, it’s probably what someone at the bank told them to do, or maybe it was a well-meaning friend or family member. But the bottom line is that you need a strategy for your mortgage, and this advice is the same when it comes to refixing it.

Some people are great at budgeting, it’s second nature to them, the minute they get paid, they put aside money for their expenses, savings, entertainment etc. And ensure they have a bit of wiggle room to make it to their next pay day. Others spend their pay check like it’s feast or famine. They tend to blow most of it within the first week and then live like a pauper until their next pay day rolls around again.

We’re hearing a few stories in the media lately about families being forced to sell or move out of their homes due to defaulting on mortgage repayments. If you're finding it difficult to make your mortgage repayments and are wanting a little wiggle room, this article will teach you 5 ways to ease the pressure of mortgage repayments and put more of your disposable income back into your budget WITHOUT chasing lower interest rates.

If your wallet is feeling a bit emptier these days, you may be wondering, how can I save a bit more money on my everyday expenses? Learn our 5 different steps you can implement right now to save $50-$200 in your current budget that you can use to improve your lifestyle, pay down debt, or use to invest.


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In today's fast-paced, hard-working world, the concept of passive income and how to obtain it is becoming increasingly popular. Who wouldn't want to earn money while sleeping, traveling, or spending time with loved ones? Passive income streams offer a way to build wealth without constantly trading time for money. For those of you who are thinking – “why don’t I just manage this property myself? It’ll save me money as opposed to working with a property manager, and it sounds relatively straightforward” approach with caution - there can be many hidden risks that you’ll uncover along the way, which may cost you thousands.

When you’ve just acquired an investment property, there are a couple of decisions you need to make. One is whether or not you’re going to go with a property manager or whether you’ll manage this yourself. For those of you who are thinking – “why don’t I just manage this property myself? It’ll save me money as opposed to working with a property manager, and it sounds relatively straightforward” approach with caution - there can be many hidden risks that you’ll uncover along the way, which may cost you thousands.

In this article, we’re going to break down our top 9 straightforward, easy to implement strategies that can boost your chances in the competitive world of property tenders.

The finance and property world can be a daunting one when you’re first starting out – it seems like you’re never able to just dip your toes in – you instead have to dive headfirst and immerse yourself in more lingo and jargon than you thought was humanly possible. Even the words you thought you knew the meaning of are beginning to sound strange when used in a new context, bottom line, it’s all a bit overwhelming!