How to get the lowest interest rates in a high-interest rate market
In this article, you’ll learn how you can achieve the lowest interest rate with your bank and how you can save on your mortgage in the current market, with two…
In this article, you’ll learn how you can achieve the lowest interest rate with your bank and how you can save on your mortgage in the current market, with two…
When will interest rates go down in the current market? In this article, we’ll give you three tips on how to predict whether interest rates are going to go up or down.
If you're wanting to secure a mortgage while you’re self-employed then listen up as this blog is for you! If you are self-employed and have a self-employed income; you may be wondering; how can I make the bank see that I actually have enough income to pay my bills so I that can afford a mortgage?
If you're trying to get the maximum amount of home loan interest savings and are wanting some certainty around your mortgage repayments, you may be wanting to fix it. But how long should you fix it for? In this article, we’re going to give you four pro tips to help you figure out how long to fix your mortgage for so that you can get the maximum amount of savings on your mortgage repayments as possible, so that you can outsmart the bank when it comes to refixing your mortgage. Pro tip number four is going to save you hundreds of thousands of dollars, so pay close attention to this one!
If you’re looking to ditch your old bank, get lower mortgage repayments and possibly save hundreds of thousands of dollars in home loan interest but are wondering how to do it, then keep on reading. In this article, we’ll give you the 7 steps on how to refinance your mortgage so you can save the most time, stress and money when it comes to refinancing your mortgage.
When it comes to home loans there are so many different options for rates. Which home loan rate is best for my situation? Do I go fixed, floating or interest only? Learn about the different home loan rates and which option may be best for you and your family and how to use these rates to your advantage.
In this article, you’ll learn whether or not you should be refinancing and three points to consider before you move that might help put some extra money in your wallet.